Saturday, February 11, 2012

Three Gift's For a Perfect Valentine's Day

Well, Valentine's Day is for sweethearts. I remember in third grade making handmade cards and decorating them with crayons. I was so proud of how mine looked. We all had a box and by the end of the day mine was filled with cards, lollipops and one treasured bar of chocolate. At that young age, I realized that even though cards were pretty to look at, chocolate was where its at!

The next great gift for Valentine's day is an escape! Escape from housework, {do the dishes or laundry} escape from cooking{buy her dinner} escape from pain {foot rub, back massage}.That should be easy enough! No woman in her right mind would say no to that!

The last but not least is romance! There is nothing like a good book to set the sparks flying for a night of love. Reading a good love story transports us away from housework, sparks passion and makes us remember how good love FEELS! So, in honor of Valentine's Day I am giving away one free e-copy of Radiance:Love after Death. What is your perfect gift? Comment on this post to be put in the drawing on Feb. 15th.